Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No excuses...

Okay, so what excuse could I possibly give at this point?!...can't think of a one; so I will simply apologize for my year off from blogging. I've realized that there are folks out there who take the time to read my blog...a shocker but cool nonetheless. And I've also realized how nice it is to emote and write down what I think...and how much I've missed that.

My April resolution for the 2009 year -- continue & keep blogging:) 

It's been a year and I am quickly coming upon my 31st birthday. I wish I could say that a year in my thirties has brought immense wisdom and knowledge...I can say that I keep learning about myself. Life's all about knowing yourself and your place in this world; that is, knowing that you're not the one in control. God continues to bless me & I continue to be amazed that the God of everything still wants to love on me...an astounding and humbling thought!

As I look back on my 30th year, here's what God has done:
~grown me in my role as a nurse practitioner...& continue to learn anew everyday
~taken me professionally to a place where I didn't figure I would & continue to open doors for me in the realm of palliative care...who'd of thunk it
~enabled me to complete a marathon & helped me walk the next day!
~revived my passion for medical missions & allowed me to love on the people of Guatemala
~brought me to the place of desiring to buy/own my first home (& loving it)
~continued contentment in His timing

So there it is! Much more to come later!

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