I apologize for being such a blog slacker. However, I am in a brief but much-needed break from school...so here's what's been goin' on!
1. Resolution of my identity theft crisis. I still don't know who or how, but all my money is safely in possession once again.
2. As I said above, classes are over for the summer. That means I only have one more semester (or trimester--as I realized after talking with Joy) before I re-enter the real world and actually use some of this knowledge I have packed in my brain for the last year. Yippee & yikes, all at the same time!
3. Josh & Emily's wedding. It was beautiful & went so smoothly (I didn't have any doubt):) I wish I could share all the pics I took, but (for those of you that know me well), that would mean way too many pics. So, here are my favs! Enjoy:)